Kurt Cobain on intersectionality, his radical intent to use the entertainment industry as a means to spark revolutionary change, right-wingers, Reagan, fundamentalism, and systemic racism (what he called “ethnic cleansing”). ——— Pages 167-170: Hi, Yeah, all Isms feed off one another, but at the top of the food chain is still the white, corporate, macho, strong ox male. Not redeemable as far as I'm concerned. I mean, classism is determined by sexism because the male decides whether all other isms still exist. It's up to men. I'm just saying that people can't deny any ism or think that some are more or less subordinate. Except for sexism: He's in charge, He decides. I still think that in order to expand on all other isms , sexism has to be blown wide open. its almost impossible to deprogram the incestually established male oppressor, especially the ones who've been weaned on it thru their familys generations line, die hard NRA freaks and inherited corporate power mongrels, the ones who were born into no choice but to keep the torch and only let sparks fall for the rest of us to gather at their feet. But there are thousands of green minds, young guiltable 15 year old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they've been told of what a man is supposed to be, and there are plenty of tools to use. The most effective tool is entertainment. The entertainment industry is just now starting to accept us (mainly because of trendy falseness and environmentally socially concious hype ie the new 90s attitude, which is at a total standstilll because of the patriotic aftermath of the war and all its members, rally-parades) but they're using MEDIA!! Media. Major labels. The evil corporate Oppressors, (god i need a new word!) the ones who are in KAHOOTS with the government, the ones the underground movement went into retaliation against in the early 80s. The capitalists are finally allowing supposedly subversive, alternative thinking bands to have a loan of money to expose their crusade. Obviously they aren't forking out loans for this reason, but more because it looks to be a money making commodity. But we can use them!! We can pose as the enemy to infiltrate the mechanics of the system to start its rot from the inside. Sabotage the empire by pretending to play their game. Compromise just enough to call their bluff, and the hairy, sweaty, macho sexist dickheads will soon drown in a pool of razorblades and semen, stemmed from the uprising of their children, the armed and deprogrammed crusade, littering the floors of Wall Street with revolutionary debris. Assassinating both the less and greater of two evils, bringing an everlasting, sterile and bartering herbacious and botanical corporate cleansing for our ancestors to gaze in wonderment and Awe. AWE! geezus christ. (repeat): posing as the enemy to infiltrate the mechanics of the empire and slowly start its rot from the inside, for an inside job - it starts with the custodians and the cheerleaders, and ends with the entertainers. The youth are waiting, impatiently. Homophobe vassectomy. It's like what (??) said about how in school there was this class that you went to and they were teaching the girls how to prepare themselves for rape and when you looked outside and saw the rapers outside playing football and you said "they are the ones who should be in here being taught not to rape". How true! Suck em in with quality entertainment and hit em with reality. The revolution will be televised. There's this new 24 hour channel on cable called the 90s which is available only in a few states so far and its magazine version can be seen on PBS (public broadcasting system) once a week. It's pretty damn informative and it exposes injustices in a kind of conservative\liberal format but its new so it has to be that way. I've seen it a few times and really liked it. Also night flight is back. You know, the show that used to play new wave theatre? We plan to use these shows and others if given the chance. (___), yeah I know I'm some confused, uneducated, walking cliche but I don;t need to be inspired any longer, just supported. ——— Page 259: When I think of right wing, I think of Ronald Reagan chosen as mayor in every state. When I hear the term right wing I think of Hitler and Satan and Civil War. When I think of Right Wingers I think of terrorists who plot to kill and terrorize the lives of Planned Parenthood practionists [sic]. The reality of actually getting an abortion in this country is very scarce right now due to Randell Terry and his pro-life gestapo who gather in churches dressed in the best camoflage [sic] possible (lower-middle-class cameleon [sic] polyester from the wretches of the home shopping network. In the house of God, Operation Rescue (Terry's pet nonprofit organisation) plot to unveil yet another helping household hint to helping the duty as god-fearing common folk. They either break into or enter during business hours posing as patients of abortion clinics and set (____) bombs which release a (____) gas that will absorb into every inch of the clinic ruining ever single instrument within that clinic. They put nails in the driveways of clinic staff and doctors. They make never ending threatening and violently abusive phone calls. They stand outside abortion clinics every day all day with pickets and loud, violent, and threatening words of wisdom from GOD to anyone within miles often physically stopping patients from entering. Yes their people have criminal records. They have marksman and terrorist skills. They are way ahead of the game from their enemy. They steal fetuses from abortion clinic dumpsters and disposal receptacles and pass, sometimes, hundreds of mutilated fetuses between households to be stored in boxes or ziploc baggies in freezers and in the family garage. The rotting deteriorating fetuses are then thrown at senators, congressmen, or just about anyone involved in government who is a Democrat. These people who are terrorists are also people who have basically the same beliefs as white supremists [sic] who also claim to act and embrace their ideals on the grounds of GAWD. They post names, addresses, and phone numbers of patients scheduled to have abortions and the doctors to be performing the operation. They have a computer network of information available everywhere in the united states. Right wing is the foulest, dirtiest, insult a person could be called. These people hate minorities of all color, they will perform mass extermination of everything that is not white, god fearing and right wing. R is for Republican. Right now in the state of Florida there are no available abortion doctors or clinics to be serviced by. Ethnic cleansing is going on right now in the inner cities of the united states. blacks, hispanics, and others are being exterminated before they can reach the fifth grade. The Right wing Republicans are responsible for releasing crack and AIDS in our inner cityies. Their logic is: better to kill living breathing, free thinking humans rather than unknowing unstimulated, growing cells encased in a lukewarm chamber. Source: https://ia902603.us.archive.org/27/items/KurtCobainJournals/KurtCobainJournalsibooks.pdf Transcribed by: @kahgsgsh (https://www.twitter.com/kahgsgsh)